Bitdefender-Cel mai bun antivirus -Best Antivirus 2012/2013

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Hello! Comments PicturesSoluțiile antivirus Bitdefender 2013 oferă protecție interactivă, de ultimă generație contra amenințărilor electronice, incluzând atacurile aferente tranzacțiilor bancare online.

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Pentru comenzi iti recomand  Aici il gasesti la un pret mai ieftin .Amazon din Germania are unele preturi mai mici decat Amazon  din Romania , unde nu ai nici siguranta deplina .

The Bitdefender proprietary technologies, based on innovative ideas and leading trends in the information security industry, continue to be internationally recognized as the best Internet security software. The independent organizations which reward our outstanding results through numerous prizes and certifications are:, Virus Bulletin, ICSA Lab, Checkmark, PC World Top 100, just to name but a few.

Bitdefender strives to constantly develop technology to stay one step ahead in offering our customers the best antivirus detection, combined with flexible usability and performance.

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