Flying Through Thailand.
What a time we’ve had in Thailand! We’ve been going nonstop over here, trying to spread as much hope as possible throughout the country during our time here. We stopped through in Bangkok to give a press conference.
Between all of the television, newspaper, radio, and magazine outlets present, over 70% of the country will have heard about my story!
Then it was off to Chiangmai, although not before grabbing some food from a local Thai staple:
We had such an incredible turnout in Chiangmai! 12,000 people packed the brand-new convention center.
As amazing as Chiangmai seemed, I had to leave the next morning to speak in Bangkok.
Ce timp am avut in Thailanda , am calatorit non stop , am încercat sa lăsăm o speranța pentru fiecare in timpul nostru acolo ne-am oprit la Bangkok sa dam o conferință de presa niciodată nu am sa uit câte vieții am schimbat acolo , munca care am făcut -o in tara asta . Au fost niște momente foarte puternice mici si mari , toate rugaciunile si tot suportul vostru ne-au ajutat sa obtinem mult in Imparatia Domnului . Rugati-va in continuare ca noi călătorim mâine spre Singapore.
I will never forget the lives we’ve seen changed here, the work that we’ve seen done in this country. There have been so many powerful moments, both big and small. All of your prayers and support have helped us achieve so much for the Kingdom in this wonderful country. Please continue to pray for us as we travel to Singapore tomorrow.
In Love,
Cine este Nick Vujicic ?
Nu sunt cuvinte ,,,Glorie Domnului nostru că din nimica face minuni ,,,ca să arate oamenilor bunătatea si credinciosia Sa .Nu oameni mari în înaltime ,nu cei puternici politic s-au financiar ci,,asa cum scria Eminescu în scrisoarea a treia ,,,un ciot ,,da ,dar un ciot ,,copilul Regelui , Regilor Glorie Lui pentru asa lucrare
mult noroc si sanatate! sa reusiti sa va indepliniti toate visele!